Sunday, September 7, 2008

Virtual Birddog Blueprint Freebies

Did you download the free preview of Andy Proper's new "Virtual Bird Dog Blueprint" I told you about?

If not, please let me urge you to go ahead and do so.

You'll Kick Yourself for Missing This

Honestly, this is some of the most brilliant, cutting edge, "4-Hour Workweek" stuff out there right now.

You'll find a TON of good stuff in there about virtual real estate investing and how you can start saving time,money, and effort through a true virtual bird dog network.

And just so you know, the preview is a full 35 PAGES straight from the course... and I actually just found out he's giving out AUDIO sessions from the course as well.
  • Your cost: $0 (still)
How to get a nice discount (one day only)...

The full digital course launches THIS WEDNESDAY (9/10/08) at 12 Noon Eastern/9 AM Pacific.

I own this course. Truth be told...I was lucky enough to have helped Andy finish putting the final touches on it. And if the ideas I'm kicking around here resonate with you at all, then I hope you're wise enough to take a couple of minutes to give it a good look for yourself beforehand. You'll be glad you did.

ESPECIALLY because Andy just gave me 50 discount tickets that'll slash the cost of the course BIG TIME for you.

BUT...(and please consider this fair warning right now) ...they're good for WEDNESDAY 9/10 ONLY.

I'll pass along the dis-count code as soon as I get it on Wednesday. (It pays to have connections sometimes? :)

But for now, make sure you grab the FREEBIES and look them over for yourself, so you can size this thing up in advance and see exactly what I'm talking about.

Again, I don't want to get all hype-y about this. But know that early adopters of the "blueprint" for this system have been doing an extra $5,000 to $30,000 in deals every single month.
I'm sure you can too. If you're willing to plug into a system like this, follow the steps to a "T"...then rinse and repeat.

So you might want to mark your calendar now for this Wednesday at 12 Noon Eastern/9 AM Pacific.

And in the meantime, download the goods and look them over...

Take care,

Related Links:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Virtual Birddog Blueprint

Virtual Birddog Blueprint

I have something for you. And honestly, I think you're going to love it. Look at this...

It's about a new work from Andy Proper he's named the "Virtual Bird Dog blueprint" inside-out expose' on a new "2.0" model for motivated seller leads.

And I have to say, it's really brilliant. And honestly like nothing I've ever seen before.

For a narrow window of time, Andy's giving out FREE preview copies of the first 2 chapters in full.
  • Cost: $0
  • My Suggestion: DO IT.

NOT What You're Probably Thinking...

When you hear "bird dogs" you might be thinking of your mailman or meter reader. That's NOT what this is about.

This is rapid. It's virtual. It's large scale. It's an honest to goodness paint-by-numbers SYSTEM

It takes the "old school" model of having people "bird dog" houses for you, and turns it on it's ear -- into a OUTSOURCED, AUTOMATED SYSTEM that can truly be executed by anyone...anywhere.

Good, good stuff.I don't want to get all pitchy about it. But I think you'll really like what you see. For the moment it's still relatively low key, but the masses are sure to start catching on soon enough.

A Friently "Heads Up"...

Andy's shared that the full "Virtual Bird Dog Blueprint" will be available to the public on Sept 10th at Noon Eastern.

Before then, I suggest that you download and read the first 2 chapters free. It'll give you a great idea of what's in it for you.

This is worth checking out. I wouldn't waste your time with it otherwise.

Take care,

Related Links: